Monday, May 24, 2010

Loving and indulging

I was wondering once about I.

And I realized that people can hate you or love you, and either way it does not really matter to you. It does not really change you on getting to be, unless you get to be by your own will.

Reading a Manga, a comic called Naruto, something that most would not consider trascendental I got to see a very contrasting way in which this was was shown.
Naruto, the main character, was a kid that was hated in his early years due to the fact that he is a containment vessel for a great malignant force, thus people would also identify him with it. Despite this, and not very much talent, his will always carried him to reach objectives that only a few or none would have reached before. Over the years, people's hatred changed to love and admiration. However, despite Naruto being so loved there was something still missing: the great malignant force was still posing a danger in case that he would loose control of himself. Sages told him that this force was only able to take him over if he had seeds of rage within him, hence he would have to eliminate such dirt and became pure. For such, he went to face himself and found that there were two parts, the observer and the one that carried his whole story, with resentment about the past and distrust for the present. Initially he taught that to become pure and eliminate such seeds of rage he would have to destroy such by fighting. But upon doing that, he realized that it was impossible to either lose or win, both sides had the same fighting power. This troubled him, but a demonstration of compassion from someone else gave him some light. The next time he faced himself, he instead of fighting realized that the only important thing was to believe in himself, love himself thus not minding what others thought, thus not having any reason for resentment. The self that carried the resentment felt threatened and asked him whether he was just something in his way all this time. Naruto, the observer, told him, that he has not been in his way, in fact it is very much likely that because of him he has been able to be where he is at that moment. Because of this Naruto the observer, embraces and thanks the other side of himself with love, with compassion, and therefore dissolves the seeds of rage and resentment he had.

I considered the above of relevance, as many times we fight our "bad" emotions, thus perpetuating them, instead of embracing them and giving them love. Love not in the sense of the needy love, which indulges, but in the sense of the letting be love, the witnessing love, that lives and lets live; never getting obsessed with something or anything. Love allows these emotions to be without nurturing them, allowing them to flow through their natural flow.

Also we get to think that "bad" emotions are just something in our way to happiness, and despite being temporarily true, it is not really true in the eternal. As "bad" emotions are just indicators of our beingness or not-beingness, thanks to them we can realize that this is not beingness. Instead of being what stops us from being, they are alarms to wake us up. However if we indulge in them then we create an internal chaos. For instance, if a fire alarm turns off and we get to see the fire, we have two options, get crazy and out of control due to our fear and therefore not know what to do; or we can breathe and start calmly searching for the exit were we are again safe to live.

"Good" emotions, feel good, but indulging in them can also lead to "bad" emotions, thus the clue is not to indulge and instead love, let be, be free without falling into the addiction of indulgement.

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